Markets Dump after a Cocktail of Negative Issues

Financial markets have just suffered their worst week since February. The catalyst would appear to be a cocktail of rising bond yields precipitated by either concerns over a potential rate rise from the Fed or…

Ranges Have to Break at Some Point

Last week, we set out the case for being constructive on the US Dollar. Although the resilience of the Dollar in the face of weak data is impressive, in reality the Dollar, along with bonds…

Current Economic Thinking May Need to Change

Having taken my family holiday in July, I had actually been hoping that August would see a pick-up in volatility and offer some trading opportunities. However, with trading ranges compressed and the post Brexit rally…

The Cost of Sanity is Being a Patsy

Albert Einstein is widely credited with saying “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results”. The laws of physics dictate that a particular phenomenon will always…

Global Central Banks Continue to Distort Markets

Markets really have been on a roller coaster ride since the Brexit vote. Major equity indices have enjoyed a remarkable rally the last few days predicated we believe on hopes for a further round of…

A Financial and Political Turning Point

It’s been an incredibly long couple of days as we tried to navigate the initial fallout from the ‘Brexit’ vote in the markets, and then sit down to consider the longer term implications of what…

The Continuing Story of Central Bank Failure

We have been meaning to write an in depth report on central bank policies for some time and the market responses to recent BoJ policy decisions as well as the Fed meeting and press conference…

Another European Summer of Discontent

Five of the last six Summers have seen European troubles bubbling to the surface. It appears that this year, Europe is again struggling to contain some wildfires that have just taken hold. Indeed, after four…

Picking the Low Hanging Fruit

Anyone who has got to know our views over the last 12 months or so has probably heard us talking about trying to pick low hanging fruit. By this, we obviously mean that we wish…