Weighing the Risks for the UK

Although I am sure that you have had your fill of the UK election, we do feel the need to start off with a quick comment on our outlook for Sterling especially as the biggest…

Are US Equities Entering the Death Zone?

We were on the road in Switzerland this week, and as we travelled along the northern shores of Lake Geneva, the view across to the French Alps is simply stunning. Many market commentators will describe…

Equity Market Thoughts

The flavour of our equity market comments in the last couple of months have been focused on the US which we believe to be in the third bubble of the last 20 years. We have…

Gentlemen Prefer Bonds

Last week, we promised a more detailed explanation of our current market views. We want to concentrate this week on bonds, where frankly we believe price action makes more sense than in equity markets. To…

Central Banks are Changing Gears

We have talked about central bank policies extensively in recent years, and let’s face it, it’s a really dry subject. Unfortunately for us, Central Banks remain very important actors in the financial markets, and subtle…

Focus Remains on US and Trump

It feels like the market’s focus remains far too heavily skewed to what’s happening in the US, and despite our best efforts to discover the next important narrative, we keep coming back to the US.…

The Fed’s Message Turns Aggressive

They say that economic recoveries don’t simply die of old age. Typically, the Fed has been the actor that has tipped mature economic recoveries over the edge. There is a lot that could be said…

Leaning Against the Inflation/Reflation Trade

This commentary does focus on the state of the potential reflation trade at quarter end and our suspicion it won’t work out as some investors hope. We have also written on India as the end…

Brief Market Update

We’re not sure there is much to add in terms of market update this week. In FX and fixed income, it appears to have been a classic buy the rumour and sell the fact around…

Central Bank Nuances and Economic Growth Plans

Everyone is trying to understand the nuances of central bank communications – indeed, this has been a decades long pastime. In recent years, the parsing of communications was for signs of how much more extraordinary…

Charts That Make You Go Hmmmm! STOP PRESS

First, apologies to Grant Williams, author of “Thoughts that make you go hmmm!” for bastardising the name of his research letter. We sit here running out of superlatives to describe the majesty of the rise…

The Struggle Between Equity and Bond Investors

As we sit here trying to navigate the markets and the news flow, we are seeing a number of inconsistencies crop up. With US equities continuing their march upwards, it would appear that these guys…